Fast and not so fast
Some vital statistics have been compiled. Decide for yourself how significant they are.
* Top speed of kite (name of a bird)
193 km/h
* Fastest Train
405 km/h
* Fastest speed achieved by any moving body on water514,4 km/h
* Fastest airliner (Concorde)2.333 km/h
* Fastest Jet Plane (did not take off on its own power)7.274 km/h
* Fastest speed humans have achived on Apollo 10 trip to moon
39.897 km/h
* Speed of light
299.792.458 km/s
* The fastest speed lightning reaches
181.440.000 km/h
* Speed at which Earth travels around the sun
107.210 km/h
* Speed at which sounds travels in water, more than four times faster than in the air
5.390 km/h
* Tsunami
790 km/h
* Tornado
450 km/h
* Fastest Spider
16 km/h
* Speed turtles can travel in water
35 km/h
* Speed ostriches can run
64 km/h
* Fastest a race horse has gone
72,27 km/h
* Speed Cheetah can run in bursts
96 km/h until 100 km/h
* Fastest speed a pigeon has gone with a tail wind
177 km/h
* Average growth rate a child between birth and age 18
0.000008 km/h
* Growth garden snail's pace
0,008 km/h
* Growth rate of bamboo
0,00004 km/h
* The speed the body pumps blood to the toes and back to the heart
0,6 km/h
* Fastest crawling insect: a cockroach
4,64 km/h
* Maximum speed the astronauts travelled on the Moon
17,6 km/h
* Fingernails grow (four times faster than toenalis) at rate of
0,05 cm/week
* Hair grow at rate of
1,27 cm/month
(However, together all the hairs on our head will roughly grow about 30 m in day, or slightly more than 11 km in a year. That works out to be 560 km over a lifetime!)
source: any source
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